Thursday, September 01, 2005

Party time

Well, I'm late on posting this, but how does that saying go..."better late than never"? yeah...
So last Friday, Aug. 26th, we went to Brett and Bong's house for 2 purposes.
1. To say goodbye to John, our friend from Connecticut
2. To say happy birthday to Dave, our surf coach

There were tons of people there and it was so fun, even if we were all sweating from the massive heat wave. We had tons of good food (grilled chicken, done right...a.k.a not japanese style with the skin and fat on it). Brett also made some darn good cheesecake.

Lauren, John and I

Maury, Dave, and umm I forgot that other guy's name (sorry!)

Jerri (Brett & Bong's girl), Joshua (Dave and Shinko's son), and Shinsuke

Joshua is so cute! He was fascinated by Shinsuke's phone.

Here is Daisuke cooling off, or hogging the fan-however you want to look at it.

Lauren, Akiko, and me

Maika wanted to show off her Yukata. Soon after, Jerri came down with hers on too.

(top to bottom) Daisuke, Shinsuke, guy that I can't remember the name of, and John

Well, I know I didn't give much detail, but this is what you get when I wait a week to write about something. Too many other things have happened now. I'm way busier in Japan than I was at home, but it's great. I love it here and I'm so happy.

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