Thursday, September 01, 2005

Japanese dogs are MEAN!

Let me explain...
It all started when Lauren and I had just left Starbucks. (big shock...) We were riding our bikes towards the intersection to go home when I spotted a dog tied up. It looked a little like a golden retriever and was really pretty. I said to Lauren, "Oh, I want to stop and pet it." She said ok. Of course she wasn't interested since she hates dogs. I hopped off my bike and put down my kickstand. I walked over to the dog and put my hand by its nose so it could smell me--you know, that's how dogs get to know you. It didn't seem to mind and acted uninterested in me. So, I went to pet the devil, umm I mean dog, on the head. I had just touched it when BAM! That dog went into attack mode. I quickly backed off, but not before I was left with a few reminders of my naivete.

It's a little hard to see, but the red spots are bite marks. I have a total of 9 teeth marks on my arm. There is also a knot forming...nice, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! Have you learned your lesson? Hope it gets better soon :) Miss you ~ Katy