Sunday, September 18, 2005

G'day mate...

Well, you all know that I'm really behind on my blog, so excuse me while I try and recall the events of Sept. 2nd.
We were having a surprise party for Lauren at Outback Steakhouse. Everyone was scheduled to be there at 8:00, but Lauren thought it was just us meeting Yukina and Matt. haha...we're so sneaky. Anyhow, Daisuke drove us and for some strange reason there was no traffic. We made it to Makuhari in record time. We were there at 7:45, but decided there was no where to waste time, so we just headed to the restaurant. We didn't want Lauren to suspect anything, plus we knew that Yuya was there already, so there would be at least one person to surprise her. We walked in and she spotted him at a big table. Lauren said, "What are you doing here?" to Yuya. It was great. We were glad we could surprise her.
Here are some random pictures from the fun-filled evening.

Top:Megan, Liz, and Reiko
Bottom: Mandy, Lauren, and me

Daisuke eating a bowl of grilled onions. (Mom, you'd have loved that!)

Matt and Yukina (Their engaged--Matt just moved back here. Yukina is an English teacher at Katsutadai, a school I'll be working at in January.)

Bong, Daisuke, and Amy

Lauren opening a gift, while I'm playfully swinging a knife above her head.

The whole happy group--can you believe we already have this many friends in Japan?!

Mine and Lauren's cheese fries...after we've devoured most of them.

My yummy chicken...they don't make it like this in Yachiyo!

We all had a great time and really enjoyed the American food, err, umm Australian food?

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