Monday, September 26, 2005

More random pictures for your viewing pleasure...

This is udon. It's basically a bunch of stuff with noodles. This one was spicy and I liked it a lot...good stuff.

Here is the TexMex place we found in Tsudanuma. No, it's nothing like TexMex, but it wasn't too bad considering we were eating Mexican food in Japan. And yes, that's me in the picture being a complete dork.

Here are some school boys waiting for the train. Lauren took this picture and they definitely noticed. They probably think we're in love with them...or that we're just stupid foreigners.

In Japan, they have game centers EVERYWHERE. Apparently you're never too old for these game centers. I honestly don't understand the draw to waste your money on stuffed animals, but whatever...
Here is Yuya after he won a Halloween Stitch doll. Yes, he is about to be 28...and he still loves game centers....probably as much as my junior high students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if i was almost 28 and still looked like i was in jr. high, I might like game centers too!