Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My last day with san-nensei

These classes (my 9th graders) have given me hell. They always talk when I'm talking and in general just don't care about learning English (unless it's dirty). However, there are a precious few that I'm really going to miss.

-I will miss Yohei saying "Hi Jenn" to me at random times during class.

-I will miss the sweet girl who likes to give me hugs and gets so excited when she sees me.

-I will miss Atsushi saying "Jenn is a cute little girl."

-I'll also never forget Atsushi saying "I want to marry you" in the middle of class. (Just wait 10 years--this guy is going to be a heartbreaker.)

So, while these were not my favorite classes to teach, I will miss those that made me love Katsutadai Jr. High. BUT-I will not miss the boys that said 'boob' to me on a daily basis.

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