Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The antics of Yohei

I want to introduce you guys to Yohei a.k.a. one of my favorite students. He is a san-nensei (the equivalent of a 9th grader in the states). He sits in the back of class and doesn't listen to anything but the other students talking around him. His class as a whole is horrible and all they do is talk while I'm talking. In general, I hate teaching this class, but Yohei makes it all better because he's hilarious. Last week they had to memorize a dialogue with a partner then come recite it to me. He came and put his book up behind me on the chalkboard so he could read it. Of course I saw him do this, because he's pulled this stunt before. As he was squinting to read the book he had put behind me, I laughed, and then turned around, took the book down, and told him to go memorize it. He then proceeded to write all his lines on the chalkboard, again thinking I'm stupid I guess and that I wouldn't notice. I turned around while he was writing and told him he was funny, but he doesn't really understand any English (I know-big shock) so he just kept writing and laughing.
Yohei calls me to his desk sometimes for no reason, other than to ask me to arm wrestle. I told him we could after class...and of course he won. I'm such a wimp.
He also makes me play junken (rock, paper, scissors) to get my own stuff from him.
When he sees me in the hall, he asks me to come to the bathroom with him.
I seriously love this kid--even if he is the worst student ever.

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