Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Belated Sapporo pictures...

So, these are almost a month old, but I haven't had time to devote to my blog. Sit back, and enjoy the pictures--because that's all this is going to be now.

View from the TV tower

There is a really funny story behind this picture--if you want to know, you'll just have to ask me because I'm not writing it now.

Bikes covered in snow--looks strangely familiar to Yachiyo a week before this

The TV tower at night

Picture from the plane before we landed

Anybody want some mutton?

My cold feet

This says 'air condition', but apparently that can also mean heater to a Japanese person. We figured this out after being there for several hours...

Our super huge room--we were so excited that we all had our own bed.

This is a view from the window at Starbucks. We were warming up in there. They even had a fire--so great.

I don't know why, but I like this picture (even if you can see up my nose).

Lauren and I at the 'ramen party'

Our plane was delayed and we were starving. This airport was horrible-no where to eat. We finally found some really nasty hotdogs and washed them down with Sapporo beer. We figured we had to have one since we were in Sapporo, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have psycho-analyzed you and I now know why you like the picture of the inside of your nose. It's because it is reminescent of "The Blair Witch" and you secretly want to be a movie star. That'll be $300 please. Love ya!