Thursday, March 10, 2005

Yes, as a matter of fact I do have too much time on my hands...

I'll give $5 to the first person that answers all these questions in the comment section.

1. What time do you get up? As late as possible...usually that means 7:30, but I'm also late to work most days, so maybe it should be earlier.

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Fantasy lunch would be with Jake Gyllenhaal-but only because he's so good looking. If I'm being realistic, I'd like to have lunch with my sister since that doesn't happen often.

3. Gold/Silver? silver

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? 'Hitch' when we were in Lubbock

5. What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? The Amazing Race and umm, cough, Gilmore Girls

6. What did you have for breakfast? nothing today-or most days...I don't get up early enough, but if I'm not running too incredibly late I go to Smoothie King

7. What inspires you? People who are spontaneous

9. What is your middle name? Renee'

10. Beach, City or Country? City to live, country to relax, beach for a summer home

11. Favorite Ice-cream? Mint Chocolate Chip

12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Don't eat it much, but I like Kettle Corn

13. Favorite color? Kelly green

14. What kind of car do you drive? Toyota 4-runner (when it's not in the shop)

15. Favorite sandwich? Quizno's Sierra Smoked Turkey...or McAlister's Turkey on Croissant

17. Favorite flowers? Tulips

18. Where would you like to go on vacation? Hawaii or hiking through Europe

19. What color is your bathroom? Umm, red, blue, green, lots of colors...I don't pay attention since it's just my temporary residence

20. Favorite brand of clothing? Gap

21. Where would you retire? West Coast

22. Favorite day of the week? Sundays, because we play soccer

23. What did you do for your last birthday? Had lunch with my dad, Lindsey, and mom was out of town

24. Where were you born? at Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler, Texas

25. Favorite sport to watch? Basketball, specifically the Mavericks

26. Who do you least expect to answer these questions? I don't really think anyone will, but if you do, I'll buy you something at Starbucks when you're in Tyler (I know, so sad that I have to bribe people to comment on here...)

27. Person you expect to answer back first? see above

28. What fabric detergent do you use? The cheapest kind

29. Coke or Pepsi? Coke

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Well, I'm not a morning person at all, but since I've gotten older, it's hard for me to stay up all night, or even past midnight...I'm a wimp and need my sleep

31. What is your shoe size? 9

32. Do you have any pets? Yes-Annabelle, my black lab

33. What is your favorite season? Spring

34. What time is it? 4:03 p.m.

35. What is your name on your birth certificate? Jennifer Renee' Shepherd

36. Nicknames? Jenn, Shep, Shep-dawg

37. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? Well, it's a sad story, but I didn't have a cake on my last birthday. Since my mom was out of town, I didn't get one. My dad is great, but can anyone else see him buying a cake?

38 Kids? I guess this is asking if I have any, so no

39. Hair color? dark blonde, which is it's natural state...I've thought about going darker...what do you think?

40. Tattoos? nope

41. Eyes? blue/green

42. Piercing? ears a few times

43. How much do you love your job? I love it at times, and hate it others...that's normal I think

44. Residence? With my parents since August of last year...moving again in July-I told them I'd keep my deal to not stay more than a year!

45. Favorite food? Chick-fil-a

46. Been to Africa? No

47. Been toilet papering? Yes

48. Have you ever been in love? Yes

49.Been in a car accident? yes

50. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons

51. Favorite saying or phrase? "I just threw up a little bit in my mouth"

52. Favorite restaurant? Chick-fil-a

53. Favorite nonalcoholic drink? Water

54. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Never

55. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? Matthew

56. Do you sing in the shower? Yes-and it sounds good too!

57. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Probably Target or Gap

58. What do you do most when you are bored? Answer silly questionnaires like this...or play games online

59. Bedtime: Usually midnight, even if I try to make it earlier, that doesn't happen often

60. Glass half empty or half full? half full usually

61. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Right now I'd say New York City...but only for a year or two


Anonymous said...

I'll give $5 to the first person that answers all these questions in the comment section. - you owe me my dear! This is katy by the way. and i can't believe you would drive all the way to smoothie king and back across town to work in the morning.

1. What time do you get up? between 7:30 and 8. depends on day.

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? George W....duh!

3. Gold/Silver? silver

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? who says cinema anyway? don't remember...Oceans 12 i guess

5. What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? Gilmore Girls and 24!

6. What did you have for breakfast? usually chocolate milk but today a cinnamon biscuit cause i had a big test and needed the glucose for the brain.

7. What inspires you? people who do a regular blog!

9. What is your middle name? ann

10. Beach, City or Country? city for a fun trip, country (like AR or canada) for relaxing. NOT beach.

11. Favorite Ice-cream? oh there are tons i bell homemade vanilla is hard to beat. i do love strawberry cheese cake too.

12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Don't eat it much, but I like Kettle Corn

13. Favorite color? green

14. What kind of car do you drive? red, 2 door honda accord unitl fri...then silver 4 door honda accord.

15. Favorite sandwich? subway...honey oat bread, turkey, lettuce tomato, bell pepper, black olives, spicey mustard, honey mustard, and vinegar! i also love grilled cheese with creamy italian dressing.

17. Favorite flowers? tyler roses

18. Where would you like to go on vacation? NYC again, DC again, chicago, new england, canada

19. What color is your bathroom? white walls cause its apartment but i have an awesome shower curtain thanks to uncle brent that is black white and red

20. Favorite brand of clothing? Gap and Anne Taylor loft though i don't have any...the clothes there just look so nice

21. Where would you retire? can't say... must ponder

22. Favorite day of the week? tues. right now cause i just have one class :) and gilmore girls comes on then.

23. What did you do for your last birthday? had a surprise party. my next bday is 2 weeks from today!

24. Where were you born? at Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler, Texas

25. Favorite sport to watch? Basketball, specifically the Mavericks

26. Who do you least expect to answer these questions? I don't

27. Person you expect to answer back first? see above

28. What fabric detergent do you use? well i have wisk right now cause it was cheapest but i hate it and i'll get sring fresh gain next time

29. Coke or Pepsi? Dr. pepper

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? neither i'm a mid-dayer

31. What is your shoe size? 8

32. Do you have any pets? Yes-savannah, sheltie

33. What is your favorite season? Spring

34. What time is it? 10:09 pm and i should be doing homework

35. What is your name on your birth certificate? Katy Ann Williford

36. Nicknames? katybelle, ytak, k-twat, katy dawg (lol - trisha anderson, the DJ for KVNE called me that when she was telling me by after lunch the other day)

37. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 20

38 Kids? I guess this is asking if I have any, so no

39. Hair color? brown i guess, though i have some blonde hairs, red, black and gray mixed in

40. Tattoos? nope - don't like 'em

41. Eyes? green

42. Piercing? ears (not my nose lins)

43. How much do you love your job? tons...i don't have one...chemistry hw is my full time job

44. Residence? apartment with lori beth

45. Favorite food? mmm tons of stuff...eating is my hobby...i love fried okra with vinegar, chicken crossaints, pepperoni and pinapple pizza with creamy italian dressing

46. Been to Africa? No

47. Been toilet papering? Yes

48. Have you ever been in love?

49.Been in a car accident? not really...a guy hit me from behind at a stop sign and took off. don't worry i got his license plate # and called the cops. insurance came through

50. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons - cheesy garlic kind

51. Favorite saying or phrase? "sweet alaskan asparagus tips" "tina you fat lard..." "flippin'" anything

52. Favorite restaurant? Chick-fil-a, peking

53. Favorite nonalcoholic drink? sweet southern iced tea

54. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Never

55. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? AOL (lol)

56. Do you sing in the shower? sometimes...i heard lori beth sing in the shower the other day

57. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? i wouldn't do that!

58. What do you do most when you are bored? crochet

59. Bedtime: Usually midnight, even if I try to make it earlier, that doesn't happen often

60. Glass half empty or half full? half full usually

61. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? thats really tough to answer

i enjoyed doing this actually

Anonymous said...

1. What time do you get up? Around 8ish...depends on what classes I have that day...

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Rob he's hot...and yes Jenn I would like to have lunch w/ you too...makes me sad that my schedule has been so crazy :(

3. Gold/Silver? silver

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? I have no's been so long since I've been...something 3 months ago... :(

5. What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? Not much time for TV these days :( but I try to watch the Ashlee Simpson Show when I can

6. What did you have for breakfast? Usually some toast and some Yogurt, along with a 1/2 a cup of Skim milk :)

7. What inspires you? People like My Sister, who does amazing things-like go to Japan and teach English and Kevin who goes off to basic training and puts all he has into it--in general people who live with a passion!

9. What is your middle name? Dawn

10. Beach, City or Country? I agree w/ Katy...

11. Favorite Ice-cream? Cold Stone-Cake Batter!!!

12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Plain and Kettle corn...both are AMAZING but don't give me anything drowning in nasty drippy butter, yuck!

13. Favorite color? green

14. What kind of car do you drive? Green Toyota Highlander...aka Hunter :)

15. Favorite sandwich? McAlister's Veggie w/ Parmesean Peppercorn Dressing to dip it's all in the dips, right ytak? :)

17. Favorite flowers? tulips and also lilies

18. Where would you like to go on vacation? DC again, Chicago...Boston...

19. What color is your bathroom? White but really cute denim and yellow shower curtain w/ cute Hot & Cold shower hooks!

20. Favorite brand of clothing? Gap ...and Katy, just so you know... The Ann Taylor stuff just makes the mom image go further :) hehe j/k...their stuff is cute

21. Where would you retire? Now that's something to think about...considering that I haven't really even entered the Job force yet and I don't know where I'll be living after Waco...I have NO clue :)

22. Favorite day of the week? Sundays b/c I get to play in the 4 & 5 year old SS class and then Kevin calls at night :)

23. What did you do for your last birthday? Went out w/ Kevin :)

24. Where were you born? at Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler, Texas

25. Favorite sport to watch? Baseball...Basketball is a close 2nd
26. Who do you least expect to answer these questions? Me

27. Person you expect to answer back first? katy, the eager over achiever :) hehe j/k

28. What fabric detergent do you use? Arm&Hammer Mountain Fresh w/ Downy fabric softner...MY CLOTHES HAVE NEVER SMELLED BETTER!!!

29. Coke or Pepsi? Dr. pepper

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Since college I've become more of a night owl...but I suppose that will change w/ time

31. What is your shoe size? 9...10 in some sandals

32. Do you have any pets? No but I want one so bad!!!

33. What is your favorite season? Spring

34. What time is it? 10:39 pm and i should be doing homework also

35. What is your name on your birth certificate? Lindsey Dawn Shepherd

36. Nicknames? Shepy, D.D. Fern, Duke's Hazard, Lin Lin, Linerd, Luke, Lucas, Lou Lou, Lindsifer...

37. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 21

38 Kids? I guess this is asking if I have any, so no

39. Hair color? Dirty Blonde, a slight mix of Redish/Strawberry blonde on the underside
40. Tattoos? nope

41. Eyes? blue

42. Piercing? ears, and my most recent adventure: my nose

43. How much do you love your job? Considering that I can't stand one of my not that much...but if I move to the baylor store maybe it will get better :)

44. Residence? apartment with Jenni Powell

45. Favorite food? There are so many...I guess in general I'll say McAlisters...and homemade would be Jenni and my Cajun Chicken's amazing!

46. Been to Africa? No

47. Been toilet papering? Yes

48. Have you ever been in love? Yes

49.Been in a car accident? two...neither of which was my fault...

50. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons - classic caesar

51. Favorite saying or phrase? ...too much to think of at this time of night...lots of funny quotes from Napoleon...and "Hi, I'm Amber Atkins...", "You're not the one who knows how jiffy pop feels now missy"

52. Favorite restaurant? Mc Alisters Deli, Chick-fil-a

53. Favorite nonalcoholic drink? sweet tea

54. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Never

55. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? Girls in my project group for my BIC class...boring!

56. Do you sing in the shower? sometimes...

57. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? I agree w/ Jenn, either Target or Gap

58. What do you do most when you are bored? sleep or watch tv...but then I get kinda I try to keep myself busy

59. Bedtime: Usually past midnight, even if I try to make it earlier, that doesn't happen often

60. Glass half empty or half full? half full usually

61. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I have no idea...who I mean there are so many places I haven't even visited yet so to define one certain place at this point in my life would be a frivolous action...hehe :)