Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Washington, D.C.

So my brother went to Washington D.C. this past week with the junior class at Grace Community School. I think they had a good time. He borrowed my shirt that says "George W. Bush is my homeboy" to wear on their tour of the Whitehouse. They actually got the 'red carpet' treatment there because one of the students has a relative that is a federal judge. Apparently this judge made a phone call before they went and lined up this special tour of the Whitehouse that is usually only for groups of 3-4 VIP's. When I went to DC my freshman year in high school, our tour of the Whitehouse was more like a drive-by without the guns. The tour guide said, "If you'll look to your right, you see the Whitehouse." That was it. Very lame compared to my brother's very impressive inside tour. He told me that some of the secret security guys laughed and commented on the shirt so that's fun. Before he left for the trip I told him he better bring something back for me, but of course I was joking because Cory never brings anything back for anyone. Anyway, when he got back late Friday night, I said, "What'd you get me?" and he said, "Oh! I did get you something, hold on." I went back to my room and he returns with a keychain that says 'Washington, D.C.' and has a picture of the capitol building on it. I was like, "umm, thanks." It was sort of ugly so I knew there must be more to this keychain. He said, "Oh, it has a good story to go along with it. Me and my friends were walking by this giftshop and noticed a bum go in, swipe some stuff, then come out and start selling it. I told the guy that we saw him steal it, and he just said 'those are your words, not mine.'" After that Cory proceeded to by this keychain from the bum for 87 cents and David bought a pen from the guy for a dollar. Nice, huh? Anyway, Louie Gohmert, our representative, also gave them a behind-the-scenes tour of the Capitol. In fact, one of Gohmert's interns even said that he had never been where they were at one point. So yes, I'd say they had a grand 'ole time up in our nation's capitol.

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