Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Well, I’ve been going to Bethel Bible Church since January and I’ve enjoyed getting to know the people, but I especially love the worship service. I love the music and I really enjoy listening to Terry speak each Sunday. It was raining when I picked Aubrey up, and I was late as he pointed out so nicely. We made our regular stop at Starbucks for coffee that morning. The line was long, as expected, so we waited patiently for our turn to order. The guy running the register that morning is one I recognize because of how often I frequent this place. While I don’t know his name, we give each other a look of familiarity as I order my tall caramel soy latte. I hand him my card, he swipes it, and then ask what my plans are for the day. I tell him a few details, and then step aside for Aubrey to order. He orders his tall caramel macchiato, just as he does every Sunday. Now Aubrey has a ‘Starbucks name’ since people can’t always understand his accent. When asked his name he asked me if he should use his real name or his ‘Starbucks’ one. I laughed as he told the guy his name, Aubrey. The problem is that usually people think he says Obie, I knew I liked this guy working today-- he understood Aubrey clearly, so now we can just assume everyone else just has trouble hearing. Anyway, after we got our drinks we headed back in the rain for a moment and jumped in the car. We got to Sunday School about 15 minutes late, but that’s normal for us. Our class was meeting in a new room, so we had to find out where to go, but we made it. We’re meeting as a big group right now doing a study called ‘The Way of the Master’. It is done by Kirk Cameron (yes, the guy from Growing Pains) so I didn’t have high expectations for this study, but I actually didn’t hate it. During the video I noticed a guy that I went to high school with in there. I’ve actually seen him a couple times, but I was never close enough to say hello since usually I noticed him across the sanctuary. Anyway, I thought this was my chance to say hi after bible study, but I got distracted to say the least and didn’t do it. I was telling Aubrey about this before church started and he said I better say hi to him right then. I told him I didn’t know where the guy was now, but I would when I saw him. So I’m not sure why, but I was nervous about saying hello to someone that I hadn’t seen since ’97. It’s always awkward to see someone from your past, even if it wasn’t a bad period in your life. The service was good, but the one time they have violins, you could barely hear them. However, I enjoyed the music and Terry was great as well. The room was packed, as to be expected on Easter Sunday. I realized during the service that most Sundays I just go through the motions of being at church, and sometimes I don’t even take the time to really soak it all in and allow Christ to work in me. I’ve decided this is something I’ve really got to work on. When church was out, I talked to Megan for a few minutes, and then went to talk to Michelle and her grandmother. While Chelle got the car, I sat and talked to her grandmother. She’s such a sweet old lady and has some pretty cool pink shoes thanks to Chelle. I carried her grandmother’s purse while she helped her get to the car. While I was following behind them, with the big pink purse, I saw the guy that I told Aubrey I’d say hi to, so I did it. It wasn’t bad at all and actually a delight. I look forward to talking to him more when I get a chance. I took Aubrey back home, and then went home for lunch with the family.

Easter lunch was good. My mom’s family all came over and even Kaitlin got to come so it was great. (Kaitlin is my 6 yr. old cousin who lives in Maryland during the school year with her mom.) We hid eggs for the younger kids, they hunted them, and then the egg fight followed. The funniest moment of the day was when Conner, my 2 year old cousin, was petting my dog. The dog rolled over for him to rub her belly and Conner said, “What happened to her?” as he was touching her nipple. (Yes, I just typed nipple on my blog-get over it, she’s a dog.) His dad and I just laughed and told him, “That’s how God made her.” There was no reason to give more detail than that at his age. I’ll have some pictures from the day later.

That evening Aubrey, Chelle, and I went to bible study at the Burton’s house. Turned out we were watching a movie, The Body. I think under different circumstances I would have liked to watch this movie, but I needed some stimulation, so when the lights went off for the movie, I started falling asleep. We left early, brought Aubrey home, and then went to have dinner with Jessica and George before they both headed back home to Lubbock and Denton. George ate salad off the table behind us after the people left. That’s all I remember from the whole evening…she scarred me.

Currently Playing
Lost & Gone Forever
By Guster
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