Thursday, March 24, 2005

Kids are so darn cute...

Setting: The Peer's house
Cast: Matthew, Kristi, Jackson & Crosby Peer; Michelle and myself

So last night we were at the Peer's house, as we are most Wednesday nights. As usual, after Jackson and Crosby take their bath, they ask me to read a book. Jackson had me read The Cross-With-Us Rhinoceros. It was annoying with all the rhyming, but I made it through it. Oh, and don't worry--The Rhino wasn't mad at the kids, he wanted to play with them. (Sorry for spoiling the ending.) Next Crosby brought her book, Glad Monster, Sad Monster. It is about feelings. The first page says, "The yellow monster says, "Opening birthday presents, playing ball, slurping ice cream, and dancing with my friend make me glad." I read that then folded out the glad mask, put it in front of Crosby's face and said, "What makes you glad?" She replied in the sweetest little voice ever, "You".

Currently Playing
Any Given Thursday
By John Mayer
see related

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