Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The land of the white buffalo

So Chelle and I took a little excursion to the 'land of the white buffalo' this weekend. We left Friday for our 7 hour drive. We had a good weekend hanging out with Jess and meeting a lot of her friends. Saturday we skipped the pancake festival to eat at Toyko, a restaurant similar to Shogun's, just cheaper. I managed to eat most of my meal with chopsticks-I do need to practice, right? I did give up towards the end so I could get a real bite of rice. That evening we went to the Lady Raiders vs. Lady Aggies basketball game. It was a close game so it was full of excitement. Tech game out on top so we were satisfied. (Although, I really am not a Tech fan, I had to cheer for them since I was in Lubbock.) Sunday we went to church with Jess, met some more of her friends, and had lunch with them. Of course that was followed up with Cold Stone then a long Sunday afternoon snooze fest. That evening we watched Jessica's undefeated indoor soccer team whoop up on their opponents. We had Starbucks to celebrate, then headed to play some games with folks at the apartment. I've left out some stuff, obviously, but this gets the point across that a fun time was had in Lubbock. On our trip home, we decided to make the most of it and mark a few things off our 'things I want to do in life' list. We had noticed a broken down train on the way there, so when it was still there on our return trip, Chelle decided that we must climb on top of it. We managed to get ourselves on top and walk around a bit. It is a lot higher than I imagined. We got quite a few honks by passing drivers. We know it's because we're so hot. While we did not have the camera phone on top of the train, I did take a picture of it before we left.

We also picked some cotton. We brought some back to Ine who was impressed since she had never seen cotton growing. On the trip we also noticed a lot of windmills, or turbines as Michelle took to calling them. We ventured down a random road, hoping it would take us closer to the turbines. Well, it did, but we were stopped by a sign that read, 'No trespassing'. I tried taking a picture, but it didn't turn out that well since we were still too far away for a good shot. Here is what I got:

Here is Chelle by the wind farm sign:

So we didn't get to hug the windmills, but we at least found them.
We also managed to tour the city of Abilene. We were in search of food and ended up at Java City. Don't laugh-they had sandwiches. Then of course we had a nice Javalanche(their version of a frap) for dessert.
So there you have it-our trip to Lubbock. While we didn't see any white buffalo or prairie dogs (dang it!), it will still be marked down as a success in my book.


Anonymous said...

When are you going to get your iPod in?

Anonymous said...

sounds like a success to me too. i have big plans for doing chemistry homework all evening. who's caleb? well i'll read about him and see. ~ katy