Thursday, February 10, 2005

iPod and Japan

I've finally done it. I broke down and bought an iPod. Not that it was a tough decision, but I don't really like to spend money. I'm considered 'cheap' and 'thrifty' by most people. I think jeans should only cost $15 and if they're more than that, it's a rip off-and of course I've been ripped off many times. However, with the iPod, I realized that this was an investment-one that could change my life. (ok, I tend to exaggerate at times.) Truth is, I saved my extra earnings (i.e. babysitting, plasma, and change that my family leaves sitting around) for the past 2 months. I decided that none of the money for this little device would come from my salary. It should be coming by post in just a few days. I would have just rushed over to Circuit City to pick one up, but the online apple store had free engraving so I took advantage of the offer. If anyone has any suggestions for a good song to put on there, let me know. (Nothing from the Princess Diaries please, Katy and Lindsey!)

I decided to take off work tomorrow. That's one of the few perks of this job-vacation time. Not that I'm going on vacation, I just needed a day to get some things accomplished, so hopefully I'll do just that. I'll also be taking a couple days off in the next week to go visit Jessica in Lubbock so again, I'm grateful for the much needed paid vacation time. On a side note, for those of you keeping up, I am still in the application process for Japan, and I hope to get all my paperwork done for this in the next week. (It would be sooner, but part of the application requires my doctor to give me a physical-what fun!) In the mean time, pray for me that I'll have wisdom to make the right decisions. This is a scary thing for me to be doing, and I want to make sure I'm exactly where God wants me.

p.s. Best part about Japan: It's closer to Hawaii. (Obviously this opinion could change after actually going there)

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