Monday, January 31, 2005

I crown myself the Queen of procrastination

I know the 2 of you that read this may wonder if I'm ever going to finish writing about NY. Ok, I'm going to try and just give an overview instead of being long-winded like I tend to be. (I said try, ok?) After that, I may go into more detail, but this is it for now! Since I already told about the day we got there, I'll start with Wednesday.
Pushed snooze for an hour, then got up around 7:30. We were so overwhelmed to be in NY, that we hurried to the subway and ended up taking the wrong one. No big deal for me-I'm whimsical, right? Lindsey however isn't so laid back. She needs structure (love ya Lin!), but I spotted a place, Europa cafe, and we went in to eat breakfast. We had our over-priced fruit while looking at the map, and me trying to look as non-touristy (is that even a word?) as possible. Sometimes that meant acting like I wasn't with Lindsey and Ine, but I'm sure they didn't mind. We hopped back on the subway after eating and figuring out where to go. We caught the end of the Today Show in Rockefeller Center on accident, then went to St. Patricks Cathedral.

After that we just wandered around, walking towards Central Park. We stopped in a few stores along the way, including FAO Schwarz.

We also took a tour of the Plaza Hotel's lobby, which is the hotel featured on 'Home Alone 2: Lost in New York'. Yes, I'm a dork.

We went into Central Park after that and took some pictures on a big rock.

After the photo-op I proceeded to reenact the scene on Friends where Phoebe runs wildly in the park. Not long after that I tried to reenact the scene in Home Alone 2 where Kevin is running from the bad guys through a tunnel in the park. If you're lucky enough, I'll show you the video of both of these events where I made a fool of myself, but probably not. After that fun, we watched a little ice skating (we weren't prepared with long socks to indulge ourselves) then went to find the Subway. We headed to Greenwich Village. I wanted to see NYU so we were looking for the purple flags. When we had almost given up, we spotted Barnes & Noble. We stepped inside for a moment, looked in a book, found the address for a building at NYU, then headed that way. We soon found one of the dorms and several other buildings. I would have liked to peruse the bookstore, but of course it was closed for the holidays. I did manage to find the building with the Gallatin School of Individualized Study. This is of course where the Olsen twins go, so I had to take a picture.

We stopped in Washington Square park to watch some dogs play in the dog park and of course take more pictures(of just me because I was with 2 camera shy girls!).

We also saw a fat squirrel there.

Lunch was next; We ate at Cosi, a sandwich place similar to Panera. The cashier obviously thought we were true New Yorkers because he gave us a frequent buyer card. From there we went down to Chinatown where my claustrophobia kicked in. It was very crowded and I was happy to get out of there after buying a few I heart NY shirts. After that we caught the subway back to Times Square. After walking around for awhile, I spotted THE NAKED COWBOY. Now you may wonder why I was so excited, but you see before we left for the trip, Lindsey was making a list of things she wanted to do while in NY. She asked me what I wanted to add to it and I said, "See the Naked Cowboy". So you can see why I was very excited that I got to do the one thing I said I wanted to while in NY! When you get your picture with him, he gives you the front and backside-isn't that nice?

Ok-after that we really had to find something to eat. Not because the sight of him made us hungry, but we hadn't eaten in awhile and needed some nourishment. Most of the restaurants, being that we were in Times Square, had lines out the door. We ended up picking Olive Garden despite the fact that we can eat there anytime, just because the line seemed the shortest. While waiting I also got a phone call from a very strange man in PA wanting me to come work for him. He had gotten my phone number off a website w/my resume. I don't know what the job was really because all he wanted to know was what I looked like...nice, huh? After our dinner and a little more window shopping, we went back to the hostel. We did a little e-mailing then took turns in the scalding hot shower.

Ok, who was I kidding? I can't give a brief summary of anything! If I get bored later, I'll write about the next day-oh, and throw out that idea for an overview. I'm no good at that obviously.

P.S. Sorry about all the pictures. I know Katy enjoys them so much so I had to include as many as possible!

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