Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I'm so important, I get conference calls

Right now I'm sitting in a presentation for some computer software the school is thinking about switching over to. Our current system is POISE which is also referred to as "poison" by most people on campus. It's definitely not user-friendly. It's very inefficient so this new system, Banner, would probably greatly benefit the school. However, for the entire school to switch over, it will take around 2 years, and I sure don't plan on being here for that. I will say that this system has my vote--not that I think my vote counts. It's basically like voting in Texas this past election-what's the point when you know Bush will win the state? Anyway, we have to meet with another company next week. Hopefully we'll get more free stuff like the floating pen, but I sure hope it doesn't take as long. We met with Banner yesterday for 2 hours and this presentation I'm in now is supposed to last 3 1/2 hours, but so far I've only been here for one of those hours. I'll probably slip out at the break. At least for now it looks like I'm taking really thorough notes, and I don't think anyone has noticed that I'm listening to the radio. I couldn't be expected to miss the Kidd Kraddick interview with Gavin DeGraw. I did think of a cover story if someone asked me about the bud in my ear. You see, I'm waiting on a conference call. They're talking now, but my part hasn't come yet. (Oh, and so you know, my phone is a radio, that's why this story would work) I can't talk until the first part of the call is finished, so I'm just listening, waiting for my part. I think it's a pretty good story. I just hope no one ask why in the world I'd be involved in a conference call. Anyone that knows my position would question this so-called conference call. Luckily I haven't had to use the story, so there haven't been any such questions. Oh-I think I just heard something about housing. I better pay attention now, since this is really the only part that pertains to me. Too bad I'll have to leave early for a conference call...

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