Monday, December 13, 2004

Quality family time...

Well, Friday night, I put on my best face, recruited my best pal, and we went to Santaland with my family. (minus my brother, because he's a punk and of course Lindsey wasn't there because she's at school...oh, and 2 family friends came too: Sonny and Carol. Ok-back to the story) Well, first I'll tell you that Santaland is a place here that displays 1,000's of lights with several themes throughout this drive-thru light display. (Since I know you're already very interested, here is a link to their poorly designed website When we pulled up, all crammed in the family van, because you pay per vechicle, I realized it would be hard for us to see with 3 of us in the back seat. So, I said, "I'm sitting on top of the van. Who else wants to?" Of course Ine and Chelle wanted to do the same, so we were ready to jump up there. Now, if you know my dad, he wasn't very keen on the idea. He made statements about us falling off and denting the top of the car. This was not going to stop me. If I was going to Santaland, I was going to have fun! So, while my dad was still driving (slowly), we opened the sliding door, and climbed on top of the van. We did have to disregard the signs posted that stated "Please stay in your car for your safety." It was a little chilly, but worth it, because you could see a lot better from the top of the car. Also, we attracted a lot of attention from other cars staring at us as if we were circus freaks. (please, no comments on this) For your enjoyment, I'll put a few pictures up of the evening.

Yes, those are my feet, and yes, I have my shoes off. I was afraid they'd slip off. And yes, my dad did use the wipers and wiper fluid to get my socks wet.

Ine and Chelle enjoying their ride on the top of the van.

I don't think it's possible to have much more fun than this!

Chelle doesn't get out much...j/k...I love this girl (-:

Random sampling of some of the light displays.

Last picture, I promise-Pretty Poinsettas

As I hope I've portrayed, you can tell we all had a wonderful time. Now on to Saturday...My mom wanted some dishes at Foleys, and on Saturday morning, at 6 o'clock, they were giving out $15 gift cards to the first 300 people. My mom recruited Ine, Chelle, and I (by bribing us with Starbucks...what can I say, we're easy) to go stand in line with her. This made it possible for her to get a place setting of her dishes for $3.24. My mom is the biggest bargain hunter I know. After receiving our caffeinated rewards, we all went home and went back to sleep. I mean, we had only gotten 4 hours of sleep anyway, so this was needed even after the coffee. After we all managed to get some sleep, we got our pets ready and went to Petsmart. Santa was there to take pictures with pets. Chelle wanted to bring Lucy, her dad's cat, for a present to him. And of course, I couldn't miss out on this photo-op for Annabelle. Here are some pictures from this outing:

Here is Lucy, the modest cat with her tail so daintily placed, with the strange Santa.

Annabelle with Santa...She's so photogenic.

Well, this is all for now. I know you're all probably sick of these pictures by now anyhow. More to follow...Now that I've figured out how to put pictures up, I may be posting a lot more. I know you're very excited Katy (-:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm excited about the pictures. Makes reading about your life even more exciting. More people should read this and then we can all leave comments! How fun would that be? Well,...tons! Be sure and write about your outing to the lake. I'm going to try to study now even though I haven't been able to focus all night. I can at least pretend to study right? Thanks for the post Jenn!