Thursday, December 09, 2004

I want to be a Yankee

Well, I spent most of last night at Matthew and Kristie’s house. It was our second to last bible study, but I must confess that we didn’t really have bible study. We mostly all sat around talking, in between Jackson and Crosby (the kids) screaming with pants on their heads. Seems like most of the stories Matthew told last night started with “When I was watching the History of Toilet Paper…” As you can see, it was a stimulating night of conversation. Actually, I really did enjoy myself just being around all these people. They are a lot of fun.
I’m beginning my countdown to New York. It’s only 19 days away and I can’t wait to get on that roomy American Airline plane and fly up to Yankee-town. I’m hoping to pick up the accent within the first 2 days. The northern inflection will be noticeable to all if I do the job well. I know once I’m there I’ll want to move there. Of course I’d live in Jersey since the apartments there are much cheaper. Ahh, the good life. I wonder if people there would mind me wearing my Boston Red Sox hat. I guess I’ll find out when I get there. If anyone wants a souvenir, now is the time to speak up. I plan on finding the most odd items to bring back with me. However, I will have to get a new Statue of Liberty lighter since my old one broke. (“I keep a lighter in my back pocket all the time. I'm not a smoker, I just really like certain songs.”—Demetri Martin a.ka. really funny guy) If anyone else is going somewhere fun for the holidays, I want to hear all about it. Or even better, if you’re going to be in The Big Apple, we need to hang out. I really hope to catch one of Demetri’s shows while there. I had emailed him awhile back and he said he wasn’t sure when or if he’d have any during the time we’ll be there, but hopefully he’ll realize that his biggest fan will be there and he needs to plan one. Ok, enough rambling.
I was supposed to get up and play racquetball this morning but it didn’t happen. Neither myself nor the person I was supposed to play with got up. We’re so lazy, but I just really cherish my sleep. It was nice sleeping until 7:20 this morning.
Overall, I haven’t been super productive today, so I think I’ll work on that now. Hope you’re all doing well on your finals (if you are taking finals). And Lindsey, even though you’re not reading this, I know you’ll do fine on all your finals. Remember, you’re the smart one (-:

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