Monday, November 29, 2004

Just another manic Monday

My morning:
5:05 a.m.-Received a call from Shani asking if I was on my way to the gym. I looked at the clock and reminded him that it wasn't 6 yet.
5:07 a.m.-Went to the bathroom then fell back asleep (in my bed, not the bathroom)
5:50 a.m.-Got up, brushed my teeth, pulled my hair up, put on my t-shirt, adidas pants, and "N" shoes as the Cox's boys call them.
5:58 a.m.-Left the house and went to the gym
6:02 a.m.-Did some stretching then started lifting weights. Shani arrived a few minutes after this and told me he was looking at his TV for the time, and he hadn't ever set that clock back. After a few quick sets, went to run around the track until Shani was ready to leave.
6:46 a.m.-Left the gym, dropped off Shani, and went home to get ready for the day
After this, the times are a little hazy, but I did manage to shower, get dressed, talk to my Mom, hear the names of Julia Roberts twins, and eat breakfast. Right before I left, I went in the garage for a minute to look for something (I'm sitting here now, racking my brain, trying to figure out why I went in the garage). Anyway, I did notice while I was in there that my pants weren't zipped. So I'm glad I went in the garage. Who knows when I would have noticed this otherwise.

I think I'll go to lunch now, only because if I don't, I'll probably pass out soon. Oh, but in the middle of me writing this, I just agreed to go to Michigan this weekend. Pray for me. I truly need guidance in a big life decision.

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