Friday, March 09, 2007

Malaria, Dreams, and Maureen

Japanese people, in general, seem to be very on top of things. I've learned recently that this is just a front--all an act to fool us stupid gaijin.
At Narita airport, there is a sign posted that says: Beware of malaria when traveling.
That's helpful, right? Except wait--how can you 'beware' of mosquitoes? In most civilized countries you would be able to get malaria pills, to hopefully guard you from the disease. In Japan, you just get a sign. To actually get the pills is a pain in the butt, and way expensive. Now, most of you that know me well, are probably wondering why I even care. You know I'm never worried about anything like that. I never get sick, so why would I get shots? take pills? Well simple--I wouldn't, because you're right--I'm not worried about it. However, my traveling companion has turned into a hypochondriac--at least when it comes to malaria.
Fact: Maureen said the word malaria AT LEAST 10 times within a 5 minute period today.
Another Fact: Maureen actually said this sentence: "If I get malaria, I'm going to be so mad."
I can't make this stuff up--and why would I?

Now we've all taken to telling Maureen the 'signs' that your more susceptible to getting malaria. You know, like, if you eat chocolate covered almonds for breakfast, you're at a higher risk (because that is what she ate for breakfast this morning). We actually had quite the list going. Maureen is definitely going to get malaria. (NOT REALLY! CALM DOWN MAUREEN!)

Even after I gave her some hard-core proof that she was going to be fine, she is still worried! What was the proof? Well, our Japanese teacher, Misaki-sensei, went to Vietnam and she's still alive! What better proof is there?!

Unrelated note: When I left tonight, she said this: "Sweet dreams. Of me."
I really hope I don't dream about Maureen having malaria tonight, but I'm afraid there's a very good chance of that happening. Luckily for her, my dreams don't seem to be psychic like Sam's.

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