Saturday, November 19, 2005

If you can't imagine yourself being Peter Pan, you won't be Peter Pan

Some of my students came over to watch a movie in the courtyard again. We watched Hook, because that is the only movie we had with Japanese subtitles, but the boys loved it.

Left to Right: Yota, Hiroaki, (Dang-forgot his name), Kodai, and Toshiaki

We gave them all nicknames, so you can also call them (l to r) Yoda, Beckham, Bon Jovi, Genius, and Pretty boy

Yeah, they loved it.
Here is the whole group (minus Megan, because she was taking the picture)

Aren't they adorable?

(l to r) Beckham, Bon Jovi, and Genius

Hiroaki, me, and Kodai

Oh, and just so you know, it's a big accomplishment for Japanese people to smile with their teeth showing. That's how you know they're really happy!

I'm really going to miss these boys when I change schools in January.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they are going to miss you, too!