Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So sad...yet, hilarious

On a side note, I know there are some of you who read this because well, you tell me you do. I need you guys to help me out here. I need some comments. It will really help my self esteem. I mean, geez, it isn't that hard. You don't even need a blogger account to post comments. So come on...make me feel good about myself. My self worth is completely wrapped up in how many comments I get. (not really-I'm not that lame...yet...but it would be nice to hear what you've got to say) So yeah, that's it for now. I'll tell you all about how the zoo is a rip off later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... i read this i couldn't help but laugh that there were not comments posted. and this is one that's been posted a while. i almost decided not to post cause it was just too funny that there weren't any comments, but i decided to be nice. i'm listening to screamo music, which is just funny to me. those pics are hilarious. man jenn i'm going to miss you so much when you're gone. even though i don't see you much now. we will have lunch soon! tonight i made your mom's tomato slices with cheese and basil...very good! well thats it for now...later dude! ~ K