Monday, June 27, 2005

A sad farewell

Ine left today. She had to go to Athens, where she would meet up with the other foreign exchange students. From there they went to Houston, then caught their flights home. We stood outside the hotel there in Athens for awhile talking, avoiding the subject of what stood before us. Of course we knew that I'd be leaving soon from there, but I think we wanted to pretend for just a few minutes that I wasn' she was just going on a trip, soon to return. When it was time for me to really leave, we hugged and said goodbye. Ine said, "Ok, you have to leave because I'm about to cry." I started to tear up, but I've always been really good at holding back tears in front of people. We hugged once more then I turned and headed to my car. We told each other to keep in touch and of course I will. As soon as I got in the car, I began to cry. It felt as if I had just lost a sister. Ine moved in with us in August, so she really did feel like a sister to me. Some people don't even have one sister, so I feel really special to have 2 great sisters now. I still don't know that it has really sunk in that she is gone. I still half expect to see her when I walk in the house.
If you knew our other 2 foreign exchange students, you know those experiences were much different. Not that they were completely bad, but they just didn't compare to Ine at all. She was best we could have asked for and more. So Ine, thanks for all the memories. I know we'll see each other again someday and until then, we have the magic of the internet.

Here are some pictures from our last days with Ine:

Ine, me, Jenni, and Lindsey being silly in the pool

Me, Ine, and Lindsey (don't we look like we could all be sisters?)

Jenni and Ine chilling in the pool

The family (minus Cory): Dad, Me, Mom, Lindsey, and Ine

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