Sunday, March 12, 2006

I've been a horrible blogger...

So, I really have no desire to write on this thing lately. I do have things to write about, I just haven't felt like spending time on the computer, thus the lack of e-mails many of you are missing. Anyway, I decided I'd at least share a few funny stories from school this past week.
This is my last week at Katsutadai. I've really loved that school, because the students are great.

Story #1: Thanks to my okasan (mother) I've had goldfish crackers in my lunch this week. All the students beg me for them and I'm a sucker every time. Technically it's against the rules for them to eat anything other than school lunch, but they're just so cute--I can't help it. I gave one boy a goldfish and then motioned for him to keep it a secret. He was very stealth (read: obvious) putting it in his mouth, then covering his mouth so no one would see. It was great. Of course, after lunch he told the teacher I gave it to him and that it was 'oishi-kata' (delicious). Luckily, it was a teacher that thought it was funny, so I didn't have to worry about being in trouble for giving students 'outside' food.

Story #2: Ok, this is actually a conversation with my favorite san-nensei, Atsushi.
A: Hello. I'm 15 years old.
Me: Yes, I know. I'm 26 years old.
A: My birthday is January 2nd.
J: Oh, mine is July 4th.
A: Nana-gatsu? (July)
J: Hai.
A: When I was a child I was very small, but I grew up.
J: (laughing) Yes, you did.
A: I will go to high school now.
J: Where?
A: Ichikawa/Shinjuku
J: Oh, good.
A: What's wrong?
J: (laughing) Nothing-what's wrong with you?
A: I'm 15 years old.

I'm seriously going to miss this kid.

Story #3: I had my last class on Thursday with my ichi-nensei (7th graders). At the end of class, 2 boys gave speeches to thank me for teaching them. The first boy gave a really impressive speech with some really difficult English words. I was proud of him. The second boy's speech was HILARIOUS. It went something like this:
Hi Ms. Jenn. You have a nice body. You are sexy and very pretty. When you are sad or having a bad day, please remember us and be happy.

It was so adorable--and so funny.

I have a few pictures from the last days, but I don't know if I'll post them until after I get back from Belgium. That's right folks-in 3 days I'll be on a plane headed to Belgium, after a short stop in Denmark.


Anonymous said...

you're not a horrible blogger! i liked reading your stories. i'm missing you while you're gone to see ine.

Anonymous said...

Reading these stories was definitely worth the study break! Made me laugh! Love ya and miss me sometime :)

Anonymous said...

Ha...I got my own blog addy wrong on my link...oops :) shows how much I write in that ;)