Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Life on an island

I got here at the end of July, just in time for typhoon season. Lucky me, eh? In between typhoons it was so humid I began looking like a native carrying a rag around to wipe the sweat from my face. September was just as humid, but at least the typhoons were over. October brought a little relief as the temperature started to drop...except it never stopped dropping. By November I was regretting my choice to get my coat when I was home at Christmas. When I returned in January it was colder than ever. At least I had my coat though. Along with the bone chilling winds, we got snow, but nothing too horrible. February brought more cold winds and I was happy to leave for Europe in March, even if it was cold there too. April is when we all expected warmer times. Lauren even brought all her winter clothes home in March. I mean, it's reasonable to expect April to be warmer, right? Well, we continued to freeze at school, but it was slowly getting better. Soon we were able to put most of our long sleeved clothes away. We even had several days of beautiful sunshine. Then we found out the rainy season was coming early. It's supposed to be in June, but it's been raining all of May already. Why can't we just have some nice spring weather without all the rain?
I think I'd like to live somewhere without humidity next.

As an aside, today was actually the best weather we've had in a long time. The sun was shining all day and I loved it. Too bad I had to be inside at school during most of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Japan is an island! See I know that learn a lot when you have a friend that travels! Anything else you wanna teach me?!?!