Thursday, February 09, 2006

My first bike wreck...

This was probably inevitable since my bike is my main mode of transportation. Here's how it went...
I was riding home from school on Wednesday, minding my own business listening to my iPod. I was riding on the sidewalk when a guy on a motor scooter came out of no where. He turned right in front of me and I hit him, and then proceeded to flip over my bike onto the pavement. (Yes, it was his fault.) After I managed to get up out of the road (that I had fallen into) I noticed my chin was bleeding--a lot. The guy asked me, "Dai shyobu des ka?" (Are you okay?), but I didn't answer him. I was too busy noticing the blood dripping all over me. I started digging for some tissues and soon the guy noticed too and got some tissues out. He asked me about 10 more times if I was okay, and I finally managed to answer, "Dai shyobu." (I'm okay.) I managed to ride my bike home, all the while holding tissues on my chin to keep from bleeding everywhere. Lauren looked at my wound when I got home and thought I might need stiches. We got Liz to give us a second opinion, and she thought we should go to the doctor just in case. Well, we only know one doctor that speaks English, so we went to his office, but he was closed. So-I decided to be my own 'doctor' and really it was fine. Here are some pictures--because I know you want to see them you sick people. (Oh, and if you don't--then don't look past this.)

Here is the result of my 'doctoring'...

Then, after I bled through that bandage, I resorted to this

Don't worry...I didn't go out in public like that. The only other damage is my right arm hurting from breaking the fall with it. Oh, and I have an enormous purple bruise on my left leg. It's a good thing it's not summer, because with this huge bruise on my leg, someone would probably think I had an abusive spouse.

I did go back to school today, even riding my bike. I was a little worried at first, but I have to ride my bike eventually, so I just did it. When I got to school, of course all the teachers were really worried about me even though I was clearly fine. After lunch, I was forced to go to the doctor. I really have no idea how that even came about, but whatever. I went to the doctor with a guy didn't speak English, so I'm not even sure why he was there. Once I got into see the doctor it was fine since he speaks English. He told me that it's infected and gave me some pills to take and some cream. I don't really know if I'm going to take the pills. I'm not too sure about needing to take pills for a scraped up chin. Yeah, I really should trust the medical professionals more I guess...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep I'm one of those sick people that wanted to see the pictures. Sorry about your wreck. I had a moped/motor scooter/honda thingy, wreck with Lindsey in Cozumel :D I'm sure you've heard. Hope it's feeling better. I want to know if you cried lol.