Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New school, new questions...

Yesterday was my first day back at work and also my first day at Katsutadai Jr. High. So, I walked outside at 7:30 to get on my bike and leave for school. However, I got a big surprise.

Yeah, I got to ride my bike for 30 minutes in the snow. It was freezing and I really need to find my gloves that don't have the fingertips cut out. I gave my speech to the teachers, then the students in an assembly. This school is a lot smaller than my last one, so I'm excited. I think I'll be able to get to know more students with the smaller classes. During soji (cleaning time) I walked around with the 9th grade teacher who speaks 1/2 English, 1/2 Japanese to me. I'm hoping that instead of getting frustrated, it will help my Japanese. We shall see...
Since it was the first day of the quarter, I got to leave at 11:00...which was great.

So, today was technically my first day actually working. I had to do my intro lesson for the 7th graders. They are always the most fun classes because they actually want to participate.
Here are some questions that they asked me during 'question time'.

-Is your hair color natural?
-Are you married?
-How many boyfriends do you have?
-Have you kissed a boy?

Then one boy said, "Between me and these 2 boys, who is the cutest?"

They had me laughing so hard. It was a fun first day back to teaching. Of course, I finished my classes at 11:30 so I was wondering what I would do to fill the rest of my day until 4:15. However, I actually helped prepare stuff for a lesson tomorrow so that kept me busy, then I just read my book.

That's all I have to report for now. I will try and put some pictures from Mexico up sooner or later.

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