Monday, December 12, 2005

Things I learned (or confirmed) while in Hong Kong

1. I like Chinese food better than Japanese food.

2. Chinese guys are better looking (than Japanese).

3. Chinese people tell it how it is--lying isn't 'part of their culture' like I've found out it is in Japan.

4. Everything is cheaper in China.

5. They are proud of their roots. They haven't "Americanized" everything, like, umm, another Asian country I know of...


Anonymous said...

i like chinese food better too.

Anonymous said...

i'm not getting a real positive vibe about japan here ~ katy

Anonymous said...

interesting & insightful.....maybe that will come in handy some day. John

Andria said...

But hong kong is different than mainland china-I was there once and it was not so the way, this is Andria Ward from Tyler. I hope you are having a good time in Japan-despite its excentricies!

Anonymous said...

come back to tyler soon. your dog needs you!