Saturday, December 10, 2005

Kayada Choral Contest

My school had a choir contest where the classes competed against each other. Everything was done by the students. Each class had a conductor and piano player chosen for the competition. It was really fun to watch.

I was shocked to see some of my students that never participate in class get so into the contest. One boy that never talks in class (b/c he's too cool) was the conductor for his class. I'm amazed at the respect the students give each other. I'm afraid that would be very hard to find in the states.

At the end of the competition the teachers sang a song. Technically I was supposed to be up there too, but I never went to practice so I weasled my way out of it. I don't think I'm quite ready to sing in Japanese on stage yet...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so cool. kids in the states would kill each other if they tried to do something like that. ~ kt